A legal seminar that discussed Health Insurance Law No. 22 of 2021 The College of Law, University of Karbala, held a legal symposium entitled (legal reading of the Health Insurance Law No. 22 of 2021) on Thursday, 20/1/2022, in which Dr. Haid Al-Shammari and assistant teacher Iyad Jaafar Ali Akbar Al-Asadi attended, where this law was highlighted and the most important statement Constitutional and legal violations that it contained. The researchers concluded that the success of the application of the health insurance law is linked to the professionalism, independence and integrity of the cadres selected to form the health insurance authority. In addition to the nature of the parties that the commission will contract with and the extent of their commitment to the provisions of the law in force, in terms of the nature of contracts, services provided to the citizen, and the penal conditions for violating parties. Therefore, the researchers recommend the necessity of challenging some articles of the law before the Federal Supreme Court in order to achieve the principle of justice and equality and the preservation of acquired rights. The symposium was attended by a number of college professors, the Dean, the scientific assistant and heads of departments.

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